Tripartite Cooperation: Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq Strengthen Ties at UNGA78

tripartite cooperation egypt jordan and iraq strengthen ties at unga78

The Palestinian issue, which placed emphasis on the necessity of restoring the Palestinians’ unalienable rights, was one of the main  subjects of  discussion. The ministers also concurred on the  significance of completing suggested projects, which cover a wide range of industries  similar as energy, health, education, trade, industry, transportation, and more.  Starting new  systems in the areas of communication, trade, renewable energy, culture, tourism, youth and sports, and security and defense cooperation received special emphasis.

The ministers  talked over ways to address the Syrian situation while  emphasizing the  significance of securing security and stability in the area.  In addition to political collaboration over Middle East issues, trilateral cooperation between Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq includes agreements in the energy, health, and education sectors. In order to prepare for a forthcoming trilateral conference that would take place in Cairo, the ministers decided to continue their collaboration after their meeting. Watch this space for  further information on this growing  cooperation.

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They pledged to work together to find a  result, emphasizing particularly the  sweats of the Arab Ministerial Contact Group. To  cover the interests of the Syrian people and stop their  prolonged suffering is the  ambition. The three countries’ shared  aspiration of promoting security and harmony in the Middle East was  stressed by their commitment to working together to address indigenous  enterprises. 

This trilateral alliance has the potential to have a huge impact on the Middle East landscape, encouraging peace, security, and economic progress as these nations come together to strengthen connections and work for regional stability and prosperity.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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