UK-Australia signs a security deal worth £25m


United Kingdom United KingdomThe Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johson, will soon be finalizing a security deal with Australia which will be of £25m. With the deal, the UK looks to strengthen its defense pact with Australia. Canberra and Britain will be jointly working towards a deal to secure their positions regionally and for the same Johnson will be met his Australian counterpart Scott Morrison through a video call.

On Wednesday, the two leaders agreed to take their bilateral ties further to strengthen their ties. It was important for the two nations to work on their relationship given their strong commonwealth background and regional benefits. Britain will also be stepping up its efforts as well as investments in the Indo-Pacific region. Earlier, Australia was also made a part of a deal with the United States and the United Kingdom last year.

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The pact was dubbed as AUKUS and all these countries came together to develop nuclear-powered submarines for Canbera. Many also assumed that the hidden motive behind this was countering China’s operation. The UK committed £25m to the projects in coordination with Australia. The projects are designed to “strengthen resilience in cyberspace, state threats and maritime security,” said the office of the British PM.

As per officials, this deal represents UK positioning to be the one that the country looks at while dealing with Indo-Pacific affairs. Johnson confirmed the deal saying, “Our nations are forging a new partnership from a historic alliance, fit for the next century and grounded in our shared priorities on security, democracy and free and fair trade.”



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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