US Focuses On Saving Another Afghan Style Debacle In Ethiopia


Ethiopia EthiopiaThe US has already been criticized largely for its Afghanistan debacle. It does not intend to repeat the same mistake in Ethiopia. Washington has now asked its nationals to move out of the fragile Horn of Bill region that is on verge of being taken over by rebel forces.

Capital of Addis Ababa is on the verge of a takeover and the lives of foreign nationals remains at stake. The US embassy is now offering loans to those who are unable to immediately purchase a ticket for themselves.

According to the State Department spokesman, this is not because back home, “we are pessimistic about peace. It is because we are now wishing to be practical.” He said he now fears a “misperception” among the public “that what we saw in Afghanistan is something that the US government can undertake anywhere and everywhere in the world”.

American handling of the Afghanistan evacuation has sent mixed signals to its South East Asian counterparts, leave alone western countries as well. Washington would need to do some damage control in its actions in other similar situations too.

In Tigray, foreign media is banned. People have mercilessly lost their lives and remain unburied. Its mayhem in the small minority of 6 million. Official records of lives lost are missing as misinformation is ruling the roost. A falling out of the with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed turned deadly and became an ethnic clash between Amhara fighters from a neighbouring region allied and Ethiopia’s government poured in.

Battle hardened rebels are moving ahead into the city and no one seems to be doing anything about it. A country that just a few years ago was the great hope of Africa and one of the largest recipients of UK aid is descending into chaos. It is now surviving on aid from the UN recently and previously by UK and the US.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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