US to rescue friendly Afghans who helped troops, evacuation to start soon as Taliban strengthens grip


As Taliban continues its offensive and takes back control of key Afghanistan land post US troops withdrawal, United States of America has decided to act in favor of ‘friendly’ Afghans.

Starting this month, US will begin evacuating special immigration visa applicants from Afghanistan. These are the people whose lives are at risk for having worked with the US government in capacity of translators and more. The White House made announcement on Wednesday that the operation will be titled ‘Operation Allies Refuge’.


The operation is set to begin in last week of July, said White House press secretary Jen Psaki during a briefing. She said, “The reason that we are taking these steps is because these are courageous individuals. We want to make sure we recognize and value the role they’ve played over the last several years.” Number of Afghanis that would be rescued hasn’t been disclosed for security and operational reasons.

President Joe Biden has set a formal ending to military mission of US in Afghanistan, which has completed 20 years, for August 31. Ever since the US troops started withdrawing from Afghanistan, clashes between Taliban and US backed Afghan forces has gained momentum. Taliban is aggressively gaining ground, raising concerns of looming extreme terror and fear in people of Afghanistan.

In a symbolic move of ending war in Afghanistan, US general Austin Miller who led the war resigned on Monday from his services. America’s longest war began in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington.

An anonymous official said that initial phase of evacuation would include around 2,500 people. They would probably be housed in US military facilities until their visa applications are under process.

Special immigration visa program is offered by US to people who during the Afghanistan war have worked with the US government or a US led military force.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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