Analyzing the U.S.-Saudi Defense Pact

analyzing the u.s. saudi defense pact

According to recent developments, Saudi Arabia is actively pursuing a defense agreement with the US and sees a strategic connection to Israel’s normalization of relations with the US. This paper investigates how such a defense alliance may alter the geopolitical environment in the Middle East.

Saudi Objectives and Compromises

Although there may be differences in the quantum of commitment compared to a NATO-style assurance, Saudi Arabia still wants to sign a defense agreement with the United States. In the event of an attack, the agreement obligates the United States to defend Saudi Arabia. To win this agreement, the Saudi government is prepared to make compromises, including ones regarding civilian nuclear technology and other demands.

U.S. Perspective and Potential Agreements

The United States regards a mutual defense pact as a potential framework, akin to accords with Asian nations or the one with Bahrain. Additionally, the United States is considering declaring Saudi Arabia as a major non-NATO Ally, providing military assistance without directly committing forces. This choice is in line with American goals of fortifying the US-Israel-Saudi axis to oppose China’s expanding regional dominance.

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Potential Reshaping of the Middle East

The potential Reshaping of the Middle East agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia, together with the normalization of relations with Israel, has the power to redefine the region by bringing together g-time r als and containing China’s developing influence. In advance of the 2024 presidential election, President Biden may be able to claim diplomatic victory thanks to this strategic alliance. 

Consequences for the Palestinian Issue

The probable agreement shows a change in priorities, as the Palestinians’ primary demand for statehood may be put on the back burner. Some Israeli restrictions might be relaxed for the Palestinians, but their ambitions for an independent state might not come true. The Saudi Arabian focus on its interests in this arrangement highlights its evolving diplomatic stance.

Future Prospects

The U.S. Congress’s approval of the agreement remains a major obstacle because of reservations about Saudi Arabia’s previous behavior and diplomatic ties to the country. To complete the defense agreement, Saudi Arabia will need to overcome these obstacles and get approval.

The potential U.S.-Saudi defense agreement, which is connected to relations with Israel, represents a significant change in the dynamics of the area. It presents a chance for the Middle East to realign strategically, which might have an effect on the Palestinian issue and American involvement there. But for this defense accord to be successfully implemented, overcoming obstacles and winning congressional approval are essential.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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