Arab League and OIC Meet, Situation in Gaza is Dire

arab league

Many Arab countries and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) have been labeled as puppets of the West because of their inaction in Gaza as Israel airstrikes continue to kills civilians in the besieged territory. With the death toll now over 11,000 in Gaza, the Arab world is under pressure to take action.

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, and Jordan among other countries in the region have consistently called for ceasefire and humanitarian aid to be allowed into Gaza. Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi Crown Prince, reiterated on Friday the Kingdom’s condemnation of the Israeli occupation authorities’ violation of international humanitarian law in Gaza.

At least 45 percent of housing in Gaza, as per satellite imagery analysis, has been destroyed or damaged by Israel’s bombardment. More than 1.6 million people have been displaced in Gaza.

Child Dying Every 10 Minutes in Gaza

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the UN Security Council that a child is killed on average every 10 minutes in the Gaza Strip. He said nowhere and no one is safe. He said half of Gaza’s 36 hospitals and two-thirds of its primary healthcare centers were not functioning and those that were operating were way beyond their capacities. “The health system is on its knees in Gaza and the situation on the ground is impossible to describe.”

Hospitals in Gaza are now without fuel and electricity. As such, the US is working towards helping get fuel to hospitals in the conflicted area. Robert Wood, a US representative in the United Nations, said the US has been working tirelessly to put in place mechanisms to enable the fuel to reach hospitals and to meet other urgent needs in the couth.

“But I also want to make clear that we share Israel’s concerns about Hamas’ hoarding and siphoning of fuel in northern Gaza. This is unacceptable, and we must all call it out.”

Keep Reading

Hostages Release to Pause Gaza War up to Three Days

US Complicit in Gaza as Death Toll Crosses 10,000

No Expectations on Arab League

Islamic Jihad, a Palestinian militant group, said it doesn’t expect anything from the meeting in Saudi Arabia. “We are not placing our hopes on such meetings for we have seen their results over many years. The fact that this conference will be held after 35 days of war is an indication of its outcomes.”

Prince Faisal bin Farhan, Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs, called on the international community, including the UN Security Council, to shoulder the responsibilities and take deterrent action to end this tragedy. He urged the Security Council to issue a resolution aimed at an immediate cessation of military operations, providing civil protection, releasing hostages and prisoners, and stopping the forced displacement of Palestinians in compliance with international laws, and common humanitarian principles.



Ahmed Kane is an entertainment reporter who loves to cover the latest news in the world. He's passionate about bringing people the latest and greatest in entertainment.

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