Articles By This Author

United Nations international organization located in Geneva, Switzerland.
Middle East News

US: WHO who? Washington break ties with WHO

On Friday during a press briefing at the White House, US President Donald Trump, declared that the country would disassociating itself from the World Health Organisation…..

Turkey's first drilling ship "Fatih" Black Sea
News Politics

Turkey announces new oil exploration plans

Turkey’s Energy and Natural Resources Minister Fatih Donmez said that they might begin drilling the eastern Mediterranean for oil in a matter….

southern sudan
Middle East News

UN is urged not to withdraw their peacekeeping forces from Sudan

As Sudan prepares for a new UN ‘political mission’ that will help the country take its first steps into elections, government formation and a new constitution, the prospect of UN peacekeeping force’s….

Squad of Fully Equipped and US Armed Soldiers
News Opinion

Iran warns against US naval presence in Gulf, acquires new combat vessels

The Revolutionary Guards of Iran yesterday warned against US naval presence in the Gulf. The warning was issued after the Islamic Republic country received 100-odd new combat vessels…..

school background back view university students writing answer doing exam in classroom

Italy sold its education system to Qatar

About 600 thousand euros, exactly 196.165 euros per year for three years, is the sum that the Qatar government will pay to Italy according to a cooperation agreement….

Kashmiri masked protester waving flags during clashes in Nowhattah Srinagar after Friday prayers on 21st December 2018
Middle East News

Amidst COVID19 chaos, ISIS tries to make a comeback

This week, Iraq’s state news agency reported that counter-terrorism forces have killed ISIS’ ‘Governor of Iraq’ Moataz Numan Al-Jubori during an airstrike in Syria….

Offshore oil and gas rig platform with beautiful sky in the gulf
News World

Decommissioning Works Takes Priority In Oil Exploration In Lockdown Times

Despite the energy companies slashing their exploration and production budgets, decommissioning work seems to be on top priority….

Falling liquidity and profitability of stocks and investments.
News Opinion

Iraqi economy risks the collapse, Allawi seeks Gulf funds to stave off liquidity crisis

Iraq’s new finance minister was in Saudi Arabia on Saturday looking for emergency funds to stave off an impending financial crisis brought on by falling oil prices…

Flags of state Russia Turkey
News Politics

A clear Russian warning to Turkish interference in Libya

Fathi Pashagha, the Minister of Interior of the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA), has been the first to indicate that eight Russian fighters…..

Coronavirus medical examination for those coming to the southern city of Taiz,
Middle East News

Corona Pandemic: UN officials warn of alarming situation in Yemen

While most of the Gulf countries are reeling under the COVID-pandemic, one country which is worst affected by the disease is war-torn Yemen…