France Brokered Russia-Ukraine Dialogue: NATO Eyewash?

Emmanuel Macron

France France– The French president Emmanuel Macron continues to try and win brownie points as his fight for next presidency intensifies. With the aim of making a point in peace too, Macron brokered terms of a potential ceasefire with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Tilted more towards Ukraine, the French President remains confident about some kind of solution to come through, as his talks have not been able to bring both parties on a common ground of negotiations.

The conversations had Macron as a mediator because since the onslaught of attacks that started on February 24, Zelenskyy has not been able to speak to Putin. With no dialogue happening, the onslaught of attacks is becoming excruciatingly taxing for Ukraine to deal with. An important point of discussion for Macron has been the nuclear facilities. While speaking to Putin, he expressed his grave concerns over the safety and sanctity of the Ukrainian facilities.

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While speaking to his Ukrainian counterpart, he did say, that Macron had “reiterated the absolute necessity to avoid any attack on the integrity of Ukrainian civil nuclear facilities.” According to the French Élysée Palace, the humanitarian situation was also discussed and Macron had told Zelensky that he will pay “close attention to the needs of Ukraine and France will continue to increase its support in this area.”

France amongst most NATO participants is showing openness to have dialogue with Russia. One sore point for Russia has been no entry into the elite circuit of the NATO. In his conversation with France, he continues to hold the stance that his attack on Ukraine is to protect the people of Donbas, “who have been subjected to abuse, genocide by the Kyiv regime for eight years.” The western world continues to sanction Russia to create economic and trade pressure, vehemently opposing war with Ukraine as the answer to his stance over Donbas.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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