International Community has to impose sanctions on Libya elections spoilers!


Libya LibyaA gathering of militias, terrorists, double-gamers, and politicians from the Muslim Brotherhood galaxy continues to hold the political process in Libya hostage. Yesterday a meeting organized by the leader of the radical Islamist party and head of the High Council of State (HCS) was held a conference in Tripoli to ensure that the elections are postponed. The result frightens terrorist groups, traffickers, and militias who have held the capital hostage for over ten years, forcing the population to enormous suffering, exposing them to humiliation, bombing, and drone attacks.

These individuals – if we can call them that – have sold their country to foreign agents. They profited from the lives of millions of civilians. They used young people by waving the spectre of dictatorship to send them to their deaths. And today, 22 militia leaders are asking to change electoral laws, postpone dates, and judge who can run and who can’t.

But the music is over. The international community must act and not submit to the blackmail of these criminal killers. “Africa Intelligence” revealed that the United States is trying to impose sanctions on parties that obstruct the December 24 elections in Libya, aiming at an asset freeze and a travel ban. The French intelligence website added that these sanctions would not affect political figures of great weight in the country, such as Khaled Al-Meshri. Still, their followers and the terrorist groups from Ras Jedir to Misurata are backed by many countries, including Italy, Turkey, and Qatar.

We hope that this issue will be raised at the Paris International Conference on Libya on November 12. These 22 puppets have to pay bitterly for the treason towards the Libyans. They must also pay for the tears of every migrant, civilian, woman, activist, and journalist who they used, offended, killed, or sold. Africa Intelligence explained that Western capitals, to cope with the uncertainty surrounding the presidential and legislative elections scheduled for December 24, are looking for new ways to pressure politicians like Khaled Al-Meshri, suspected of trying to postpone the elections for their advantage.

The French website indicated that Washington, Paris, London, Rome, and Berlin had formalized this threat in a joint statement released on October 25, but that’s not enough. It is time to say enough to the blackmail and strategies of those acting in the shadows, under the radar, shamelessly lying to their compatriots, to their allies inside and outside Libya. And if Turkey believes it can trust these cowards, it is very wrong. They will not hesitate to kill their forces on the ground when their presence damages their interests.

The U.S. Special Envoy to Libya, Richard Norland, used this initiative to support Libya’s stability on October 21 to target members of Parliament or members of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) suspected of selling their votes or being involved in the abuse of influence as a first step.



Hashim Sheikh: He is a comprehensive personality whose personality has many social, philosophical and mystical aspects besides scientific and cultural characteristics. He writes many articles and also writes poetry from time to time.

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