Is the Palestine Cause Dying Because of Israel-Hamas War?

Is the Palestine Cause Dying Because of Israel-Hamas War?

The Palestine cause seems to be losing steam in the current Israel-Hamas war as millions of Palestinians have been displaced from Gaza. The sudden Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 has blown the Palestinian cause out of the water.

With Israel having sworn to wipe out Hamas for the brutal slaughter of thousands of Israelis, the IDF has the support and backing of Western powers. As for the Hamas, it’s now shouldering the blame of a dying Palestine.

But Egypt will have none of it. The Egyptian government stands with the Palestinians and will not have them forcibly displaced to Sinai or other neighboring countries. However, the people of Palestine, especially from Gaza, Gaza Strip and the West Bank are moving because of continuing escalations.

International Solution for Palestine

Egypt has highlighted the need for an international solution in line with humanitarian principles to stop the escalation in Gaza. Sameh Shoukry, Egyptian Foreign Minister, said targeting humanitarian and UN headquarters is a flagrant violation of humanitarian law and must stop immediately. “We are seeking to make the crossing operating again in order to enter the aid to Gaza, despite the continuous bombing by the Israeli side.”

Shoukry rebuked the international community for lack of regard for Palestine’s legitimacy. “We see  no alternative solution but for the parties to return to the negotiating table to agree on a two-state solution. We appeal to everyone to listen to the voice of reason and wisdom and stop the escalation in the Gaza Strip.”

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi believes the current war was not just aimed at fighting Hamas, but also an attempt to push the civilian inhabitants to migrate to Egypt. He said doing so will wreck peace in the region. Egypt and Jordan fear a mass exodus.  This will nullify Palestinian demands for statehood.

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What Now in Israel-Hamas War?

While Israel has support of Western countries to eradicate Hamas, Middle Eastern countries are way. They look at Israel’s innocence with sceptism, given IDF’s track record of torturing Palestinians and bulldozing their houses.

Tahani Mustafa, a senior Palestine analyst at the International Crisis Group, says Israel is trying to eradicate the entire Hamas movement and destroy its legitimacy, support, infrastructure, and physical presence. “However, it misunderstands the context in which Hamas emerged, which was a response to a military occupation. Hamas doesn’t represent anything completely unprecedented or anything unsurprising.”

She said Hamas is an organized resistance to the Israeli occupation. “And even before Hamas and after Hamas, Palestinians will continue to resist the occupation in all its forms.”



Ahmed Kane is an entertainment reporter who loves to cover the latest news in the world. He's passionate about bringing people the latest and greatest in entertainment.

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