Middle East

Turkey, Israeli couple accused of espionage released

Turkey–The Turkish regime released two Israeli spouses, Mordechai and Natalie Oknin, arrested eight days ago for photographing President Erdogan’s palace in Istanbul and later suspected

Middle East

Subsidy Free Medicines In Lebanon Makes Medication Unaffordable

Lebanon–Nothing is getting to be easier for Lebanon as it is now medicine prices that have hit the roof this week, after subsidies were lifted.

Middle East

UN Security Council: Iraq had free and fair elections

Iraq–The United Nations Security Council welcomed the efforts to achieve free and fair legislative elections in Iraq. However, in a statement released by the Al-Hurra

Middle East

The New York Times reveals probable US war crimes in Syria

Syria–The New York Times ran an article on November 13, accusing the US military of concealing two airstrikes conducted in Syria on March 18, 2019,

Middle East

Landmines Latest Killers Maim Children In Syria More Than Afghanistan

Syria–Homs province is the new hotspot for children being blown over by landmines in Syria. Global reports are confirming that it is becoming the new

Middle East

Israel launches mega state drill against “Omega lethal variant”

Israel– Vaccination of children is underway in Israel: the committee of experts for the fight against pandemics approved an overwhelming majority (73 against 2) yesterday

Middle East

A new investigation reveals an arms smuggling between Iran, Yemen and Somalia

Iran–The latest research from the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, a Geneva-based think tank, has documented, in eight months of careful investigation, that over

Middle East

Libya: Bashagha tries to remove Al Serraj in a coup

Afghanistan–In Herat, Afghanistan, schools reopen to female students after the appeal of a fifteen-year-old. “Today, as a representative of the girls, I want to send

Middle East

Iraq: Prime Minister Al-Kazimi survives a drone bombs attack

Iraq– Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kazimi was unharmed after a “failed assassination attempt” Saturday night with a “drone bomb” targeted his residence in Baghdad’s Green

Middle East

Trump to speak on all days of the RNC

Tunisia–A Tunisian judge has now released an international warrant against former president Moncef Marzouki from Paris under the pretext of being accused of “plotting against