Morocco orders suspension for over 40 teacher as they protest without permission


Morocco MoroccoFor protesting without permission, over 40 teachers have been suspended for demonstrations. They reportedly did not have any authorization for the protests they were doing in the city. The protest was called in favor of the reform of professional status that was introduced which has crippled public education in Morocco since 2019. They asked a lawyer to be their representative and hence the matter was discussed with the media.

On Thursday, the Rabat court announced its verdict by imposing three months imprisonment for teachers for “contempt of a constituted body”. The announcement was confirmed by Souad Brahma who had decided to appeal to the court. As per the secretary-general of the National Federation of Education (FNE), Abderrazzak Drissi, said that the teachers who were part of the protest were charged with “unauthorized assembly” and “violation of the state of health emergency.”

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They reasoned out the strong step taken against them saying that it was essential as it would maintain law and order in the country. Other than them, 25 other people were ordered prosecuted and were given the same reasons as the teachers. As per activists involved in the matter, they should look at a permanent solution rather than continuing with the cycle of arrest as it will only spoil the matter further.

The same process has been going on since 2016 which was the year when Morocco had hired tens of thousands of teachers and based them out of fixed term contracts.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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