
Russia and Turkey inflame anti-European sentiments

Communication plays an increasingly important role in the policies of each country and, above all, in geopolitics. Each country enjoys the support of public media


Iran-US tensions might flare up as IRGC upgrades itself to a multi-purpose warship

On Thursday, Iran’s elite wing of armed forces, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps disclosed to the world its new multi-purpose warship. The vessel, named after slain


Why the conflict in Syria is still far from a solution

The Syrian conflict seems far more complicated than other scenarios in the Middle East. That has been clear since the beginning of the uprising in


UN organises Libya talks in Tunisia, making way for lasting peace

On Monday, UN opened peace talks between the warring factions of Libya. The talk was organised in the neighbouring Tunisia to prepare ground for fair


Joe Biden’s victory frightens the Ankara Government.

Sunday, 08 November, 2020. Biden’s election victory will shock Ankara, which is trying to improve relations between the United States and Turkey, which have soared


France must reconsider its foreign policy for Middle East

Once a crucial player in the Middle East, France is witnessing a diminishing role in the region, particularly after its foreign policy failures in Libya,

The real nature of Qatar Airways

Qatar Airways, Australia Incident is just the last of a long series

The Qatari leadership has said it regrets any distress or infringement on the personal freedom of any traveler caused by a decision to conduct compulsory

Turkey first spoiler of the peace in Libya

Turkey first spoiler of the peace in Libya

The Joint Military Dialogue Committee (JMC 5 + 5), which brought together five senior officers of the Libyan National Army (LNA) and five from the


Libya has a permanent ceasefire

The Libyan parties have reached a permanent ceasefire agreement across Libya. This result represents an important turning point towards peace and stability in Libya, the


Northern Syria: Turkey and jihadist militias failure

In northern Syria, the jihadist militias backed by Turkey militarily occupy portions of territory belonging to the autonomous administration of Northern and Eastern Syria. They