
Libya: after Serraj, what next?

The total-betting on who will take the place of Fayez al-Serraj has begun since the premier anticipated in a speech to the nation, Wednesday 16


Hezbollah accused of stocking up ammonium nitrate and weapons across Europe by US State department

US State Department has accused Hezbollah of stockpiling caches of weapons and ammonium nitrate across Europe. The department has alleged that the stocks are planned


Turkey wants Bashagha and not Serraj at the negotiating table for Libya, the sultan power on the puppet government

The recent Libyan dialogue meetings in Montreux in Switzerland, Bouznika in Morocco, and the delegations in Cairo give hope that a ceasefire will be reached


What the Europeans need to understand about Erdogan

While tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean need to be de-escalated, the Europeans mustn’t rush to sit down with Turkey at the negotiating table. Tukey’s belligerence


Can Arab Americans direct foreign policy

Despite being vocal about the issues in the Arab world, Arab Americans have very less agency in influencing the country’s foreign policy through their elected


Al Shabaab continues terror attacks in Somalia, yet the President remains silent

The increasing terror attacks by Al Shabaab in Somalia, the latest being a bomb blast in southern Somalia on Monday, which killed three Somali military

Opinion Uncategorized

“Enough with you”: Thousands protest in Israel and call for Netanyahu’s resignation

Israeli protesters in thousands gathered outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence on Saturday night. This was an extension of months long country’s protests to


Macron missed an opportunity to disarm Hezbollah in Lebanon

While the French president may have spoken at length about sanctions and new beginnings, he shied away from addressing the elephant in the room. French


Libya Presidential Council suspends Foreign Minister Najla Al-Mangoush

The devastating blast in Beirut on August 4 left entire country of Lebanon shaken up and would be recorded as the country’s turning point in


Middle Eastern rich people’s profits during COVID-19 enough to pay Beirut blast repair bill, Oxfam shows

The assets of the twenty-one richest people in the Middle East have improved by more than double the amount needed to reconstruct explosion-stricken capital of