Pfizer Vaccine Promises 90 Percent Cure Against Covid-19

Pfizer has given a green signal on the effectiveness of the new corona vaccine that is slated to come out in the market end of 2020 and beginning of 2021. According to official reports, Pfizer will open a global supply of upto 50m vaccine doses and then a second lot of 1.3bn doses in 2021.
Countries can then decide how to prioritize the dissemination of the vaccination. For the UK, the first priority will be the elderly people where, care home workers and residents will get the first dosage. This will be followed by anybody over 80 and other health and social care workers. After that, other citizens will be expected to get them in decreasing order of age.As the news of the possible vaccine has got out, global stocks have been seen surging to record highs. Strangely, the drop has been felt by companies that have made it big overnight; these include Zoom’s video conferencing and food delivery firms.
The vaccine is said to be 90 percent effective. Regulators now have reasons to look for the quick processing of emergency license application in real time. Developed jointly by Pfizer and German company BioNTech the mRNA vaccine seems to have shown a remarkable 90 percent success rate because it has made use of a genetic code rather than any part of the virus itself.
Interim results are expected this month or in early December from trials for the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine, which is based on a different technology. Meanwhile, test trials of the Chinese experiment vaccine Sinovac stands suspended. Some countries would still like to tread with caution and not let their guards down over a happy thought that the pandemic was over.
While the news is getting out in the open, many countries have reportedly already orders for the vaccine. The UK has bought 40m doses, enough for its 20 million people, as two doses are required per individual. The EU has secured 200m doses, which it will distribute. The companies have a $1.95bn (£1.5bn) contract with the US government to deliver 100m vaccine doses beginning this year.