Russia Fumes Over Finnish Military Exercise With US After NATO Membership Success

Finland Russia

Russia RussiaThe Russian threat seems insignificant to Finnish troops who have joined the US forces for ‘high readiness’ exercises in Finland itself.

Finland along with Sweden has recently decided to join the NATO after having remained neutral for many years. Russia has already warned of military action should these nations decide to so.

Turkey has been blaming both the nations for providing a safe haven for outlawed Kurdish militants and promoting “terrorism.” Erdogan has been expressing and exhibiting complete intolerance for Kurdish origins and has termed many as militants.
Erdogan also demanded they lift arms embargoes imposed in response to Turkey’s 2019 military incursion into Syria.

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Finland could have to face the wrong music as it shares an 830-mile (1,340km) border with Russia. But showing solidarity with its new NATO partner, US has said they would like to continue engaging in such significant military exercises. This one has been called the ‘Exercise Vigilant Fox’; much rightly described owing to the precarious position that Finland and Sweden might have landed themselves in with Russia, after having remained military neutral for a long time.

On this occasion, British troops based in Estonia were flown to Finland in Royal Air Force Chinook helicopters as part of the exercise, according to the MoD. The British personnel had been in Estonia as part of the British Arm’s Project Unified Stance, which sees troops take on a series of exercises across Europe in coordination with Nato and allies.

Defence Minister James Heappey said the training, called Exercise Vigilant Fox, “demonstrated the strength and interoperability of our armed forces with our US and Finnish allies”. He added that it reaffirms the UK’s commitment to the defence and security of the Baltic Sea region. This latest exercise comes just days after the MoD revealed that six Royal Air Force fighter jets flew to Finland and Sweden for joint training exercises.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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