Syria Kurds stop joint operations with US-led coalition

Syria Kurds

As a result of Turkish airstrikes on its area of control, the Syrian Democratic Forces, a US-backed organisation that assisted in the defeat of Daesh terrorists in Syria, have halted all cooperative counterterrorism operations, a spokesman said on Friday.

In recent weeks, Turkiye has intensified its airstrikes and shelling of northern Syria. It is also preparing a land assault against Syrian Kurdish troops, whom it labels terrorists but who make up the majority of the US-supported SDF.

The SDF has repeatedly cautioned that fending off a fresh Turkish invasion would take resources away from safeguarding a jail where Daesh fighters are being held or from pursuing Daesh sleeper cells still carrying out hit-and-run attacks in Syria.

All collaborative counterterrorism activities with the coalition, according to Aram Henna of Reuters, as well as “all the joint special operations we were carrying out on a regular basis” have been put on hold.

Read | UN envoy: Urgent military de-escalation in Syria a critical need

Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, had informed reporters that operations against Daesh were still ongoing.

This week, after witnessing massive Turkish deployments along the border, SDF chairman Mazloum Abdi told Reuters he sought a “stronger” message from Washington.

“We remain anxious. To end Turkiye’s whims, we must make statements that are more forceful and firm,” he stated. “Turkey has declared its intentions and is currently evaluating the situation. The way an invasion assesses the positions of other nations will determine how it begins.”





Raven Ruma is a professional journalist with a keen eye on domestic and foreign situations. His favorite pastime is to keep the public informed about the current situation through his pen and he is fulfilling this responsibility through the platform of Arab News.

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