Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
News Opinion

Erdogan reduced Turkey to hunger, poverty limit exceeds 4 times the minimum wage

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the crazy military missions abroad, the Erdogan’s waste of public money to finance extremist….

Kashmiri masked protester waving flags during clashes in Nowhattah Srinagar after Friday prayers on 21st December 2018
Middle East News

Amidst COVID19 chaos, ISIS tries to make a comeback

This week, Iraq’s state news agency reported that counter-terrorism forces have killed ISIS’ ‘Governor of Iraq’ Moataz Numan Al-Jubori during an airstrike in Syria….

Coronavirus medical examination for those coming to the southern city of Taiz,
Middle East News

Corona Pandemic: UN officials warn of alarming situation in Yemen

While most of the Gulf countries are reeling under the COVID-pandemic, one country which is worst affected by the disease is war-torn Yemen…

Flag of Iran and United States
Middle East News

Iran’s Supreme Leader warns US of expulsion from the region

In an increasing war of words, Iran, yesterday, warned that the US would be expelled from Iraq and Syria…

Coronavirus pandemic has led to mighty changes in the lifestyle industry in Saudi
News Opinion

Contactless Tech and e-gifts the new norm for Saudi shoppers amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Coronavirus pandemic has led to mighty changes in the lifestyle industry in Saudi, the most highlighted being the shopping style among people in Saudi Arabia…

Tunisia does not record any new coronavirus infection of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
News Politics

How Tunisia defeated the coronavirus, third day without any new infection

For the third consecutive day, Tunisia does not record any new coronavirus infection of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The confirmed cases in the country are 1,032 by May 10. ..

COVID-19 Pandemic outbreak in Kuwait
Middle East News

COVID19 Pandemic: Kuwait talks about ‘rationalized’ govt. spending amid crisis

An unprecedented event like the COVID19 crisis can severely challenge existing templates of business and economy. Companies are searching for newer ways to look at

Flag of United States and China
Middle East News

COVID19 Pandemic: Govt worried about growing anti-Chinese backlash

According to a report circulated among the top leadership in China, warns against the growing anti-China sentiment, globally, and advises the command to prepare for the worst-case

Mustafa al-Kadhimi in a conference
News Politics

Iraq has a new Prime Minister: Mustafa al-Kadhimi

After a six-month crisis triggered by the popular uprising last October, Iraq has a new prime minister with a solid majority in Parliament. He is

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a press conference
Middle East News

Top Israeli Court allows Benjamin Netanyahu to form coalition govt

The Supreme Court in Israel yesterday approved a coalition arrangement between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the leader of Blue and White alliance Benny Gantz.