Eid al-Adha

Muslims to celebrate Eid al-Adha, al-Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia among COVID19 preventive protocols

The Feast of Sacrifice, also called Eid Qurban, honors the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismael as an act of obedience to God’s command….

Homeless childrens
Middle East

Egypt’s homeless children worst hit by COVID19 pandemic

By some estimates, there are around 16,000 children and young adults on the streets in Egypt, a number that UNICEF considers a massive underestimation….

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Middle East News

Erdogan visits Qatar to seek funds for strengthening regional footing despite COVID19 travel curbs

On Thursday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited Qatar to seek more funds for its plummeting economy as the country…

Coronavirus pandemic
News World

Coronavirus: Over 8 million infections worldwide

According to the Johns Hopkins University and Worldometer, the world has now surpassed 8 million coronavirus cases….

Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
Middle East News

Egypt calls for immediate withdrawal of mercenary forces in Libya

On Saturday, Egypt announced a unilateral ceasefire between the UN-recognized Government of National Accord…

Coronavirus on New Zealand
News World

New Zealand beats Coronavirus, heads towards all restrictions lifting after 17 day no-case streak and zero active cases

Celebratory moment for 5 million people who call New Zealand home, as country declared no active….

Qatari economy, between oil crisis and COVID-19 pandemic
News Opinion

Pressure from Washington and Tel Aviv on Iran and its allies is growing

In the last days of March and the beginning of April 2020, the Qatari economy witnessed a double collapse hitting all sectors amid a state

Jailed Iranian professor Dr Sirous Asgari
Middle East News

Jailed Iranian professor deported from the US, reaches Tehran

On Tuesday, Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif announced in an Instagram post that jailed Iranian professor Dr Sirous Asgari was on his way back home. Various Iranian news agencies confirmed his arrival with a photograph that showed him wearing a mask and greeting his family….

Kashmiri masked protester waving flags during clashes in Nowhattah Srinagar after Friday prayers on 21st December 2018
Middle East News

Amidst COVID19 chaos, ISIS tries to make a comeback

This week, Iraq’s state news agency reported that counter-terrorism forces have killed ISIS’ ‘Governor of Iraq’ Moataz Numan Al-Jubori during an airstrike in Syria….

The Head of UN flag
News Opinion

Thousands of Tunisians March and Object to President Saied’s ‘Power Grab

The Head of UN Support Mission in Libya, Stephanie Williams, condemned on Tuesday the airstrikes conducted by Turkish drones in Western cities of Libya in