Coronavirus: Over 8 million infections worldwide

Coronavirus pandemic

According to the Johns Hopkins University and Worldometer, the world has now surpassed 8 million coronavirus cases. Across the globe, there are currently 435,574 victims, 80 thousand the deaths recorded between Latin America and the Caribbean only today. Of these, approximately 44 thousand occurred in Brazil. With its 888 thousand infections, Brazil is the second most affected country in the world after the United States. In South America, there are now more than 1.7 million cases.

Despite the WHO last month announcing a stop to tests on the use of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19, expressing concern for safety, Brasilia, through its Ministry of Health, has decided to treat COVID patients with chloroquine, children and pregnant women included. With 891,556 infected and 44,118 victims, the South American giant reopens its doors today, attempting to revive the economy, in a profound crisis.Olena Zelensky, wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, was hospitalized after testing positive for the coronavirus in recent days. The presidential palace has made it known, stating that its conditions are stable. Both husband and children tested negative for Covid19.

In the United States, the daily toll of coronavirus-related deaths remains below 400 units for the second consecutive day, according to calculations from Johns Hopkins University. Specifically, the victims of the last 24 hours were 385, after 382 of the previous day. These are two of the lowest daily cases recorded since the end of March. The total death toll has risen to 115,114. The infections are 2.11 million.

An additional 40 coronavirus cases have been found in China, 27 in Beijing. Following the registration of dozens of new cases in the capital, the Chinese Government restored anti-infection measures in several neighborhood. The total number of infections in China rose to 83,221. The deaths are 4,634. The Beijing Municipality called the situation “extremely serious.”

New Zealand is no longer virus-free after recording two new cases of COVID-19. Following 24 days without no infection, two women from the same family, arrived from the United Kingdom on June 7, resulted positive to test. Last week, New Zealand’s government lifted all economic and social restrictions, except for border controls. The country was one of the first in the world to return to normal.

Coronavirus infections in Italy rise to 237,290. The new positives yesterday were 303, 85% of which in Lombardy. Coronavirus cases are also increasing in Turkey, where the authorities decided to impose the use of the mask in 5 other provinces. The Minister of Health confirmed that in 42 of 81 circumscriptions in the country, the use of the facial mask is mandatory. In Turkey, 82 million inhabitants, since March 10, around 180,000 cases of coronavirus have been recorded, which have caused the death of more than 4,800 people. The actives known so far are 23,000.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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