Salah Badi, commander of the militia, the "al-Samoud Brigade" of the al-Wefaq forces affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, said that he does not recognize the decisions of the United Nations and the pernicious international community.
Middle East News

Leader of the Brotherhood’s militia in Libya: We do not recognize UN resolutions.

Salah Badi, commander of the militia, the “al-Samoud Brigade” of the al-Wefaq forces affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, said that he does not recognize the

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) asked on Wednesday afternoon to vote on a draft resolution in support of the ceasefire in Libya.
Middle East News

The United Nations Security Council called to vote on a draft resolution on Libya

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) asked on Wednesday afternoon to vote on a draft resolution in support of the ceasefire in Libya. If the