EXCLUSIVE: Libyan political parties condemn terrorist threats to Tunisia stability

Lybia War , syria

A group of Libyan parties, movements and political forces, followed up, with great concern, the leaked news about the events that would destabilize Tunisia security and stability of and harm its people and leadership.

Seven political movements and parties, in a statement received by The Arab Post, renewed their “solidarity with the brotherly Tunisian people, and their support for their choices and leadership represented by their constitutionally elected President. The condemned any attempt to target the security and stability of the Tunisian people, undermine its leadership and endanger the life of the President by means of violence and terrorism.”

Regarding the closure of the border with Libya from Tunisian side, the Libyan political coalition expressed “support for Tunisian people choices, and their right to take the measures they deem appropriate to preserve the security and stability of Tunisia, and to prevent tampering with the capabilities of its people or undermining its national sovereignty.”

The seven parties and political movements signatories of the statement stressed “the depth of the bonds of the relationship between our two peoples and the preservation of common interests between institutions and citizens in the two countries”. Referring to the Turkish illegal presence on Western Libya territory, they categorically rejected “the presence of foreign forces, hordes of mercenaries, and outlaw armed groups, highlighting the real danger and threats they pose not only to the security and stability of Libya, but also to brotherly peoples in neighboring countries.”

The political block called on everyone to condemn the terrorist acts committed by these groups inside Libya or exported across its borders. The Libyan parties demanded “the UN Security Council, which is entrusted with safeguarding international peace and security, to condemn any support or harboring and transfer of terrorist groups, and to adhere to the expedient implementation of its resolutions relevant to the exit of foreign forces and mercenaries from Libya, and to assist the Libyan people in dismantling the outlaw armed groups”.

The block includes the Civil Democratic Party 8 Libyan National Movement, the Center National Party, Ihya Libya Movement, the National Will Gathering, Youth for Change Party, the National Movement for Democratization and the Libya’s Women Union.

The statement follows the report of 100 terrorists on the Libyan soul ready to attack Tunisia after an attempt of killing the President of the Republic by dangerous terrorist groups allegedly supported by the Muslim Brotherhood. Yesterday the Turkish baked Libyan Islamist coalition, Vulcan of Anger, threatened to strike Tunisian security institutions from the al-Watiya military base run by Syrian mercenaries and terrorists mobilized by the Turkish Defense Ministry to Libya.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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