Middle East News

Syria : 9 years of war , 380,000 dead and still no solution or peace

384,000 people died in syria during the last 9 years , including 116,000 civilians and 22,000 children. The Syrian conflict began On March 15th, 2011.

Hezbolla , Syria Turkey
Middle East News

Southern Syria: Iran and Hezbollah recruiting Through “Al-Areen Brigades”.

Iranian forces and militias, such as the Lebanese Hezbollah, are continuing their recruitment operations in secret and overtly in both southern Syria and the Euphrates

War, conflict, children, United Nations, Sudan, Syria ,
Middle East News

How Children Rights Have Been Violated In Syria

It is not something humanity can be proud of but the reality of war children glares us in our face. As the Syrian war marks

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar announced that an agreement had been reached with the Russian delegation on the details of the Idlib
Middle East News

Turkey: We will continue our offensive in Idlib if the ceasefire is violated.

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar announced that an agreement had been reached with the Russian delegation on the details of the Idlib ceasefires’ agreement. “Turkish

Turkey , Cronaviru , Covid19 Erdogan
Middle East News

Erdogan tempted by Syrian “black gold” … Ambitions “exposed”.

The recent statements of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan exposed his true intentions, the size of Turkish ambitions, and the motives behind the military intervention

The Libyan newspaper “Al-Adwan” reported that what some media reports mentioned in this regard is a slander.
Middle East News World

The Libyan National Army denying Haftar’s visit to Damascus.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Libyan National Armys’ office denied what was circulated about Field Marshal Khalifa Hifter’s visit to Syria, stressing that these reports are

Turkey , Cronaviru , Covid19 Erdogan
Middle East News World

Erdogan: Turkey does not intend to annex parts of Syrian territory.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on Greece to “open doors” for immigrants who crowd the borders of the two countries after Ankara opened their

Ankara recently tried to knock on the gates of NATO, in light of the military escalation in Idlib governorate
Middle East News World

Turkey not gettig NATO’s military support in Syria, Reasons and explanations.

Ankara recently tried to knock on the gates of NATO, in light of the military escalation in Idlib governorate, northwestern Syria, but military experts exclude

The US-led international coalition against ISIS continues to operate in Syria and Iraq despite nearly a year since the SDF announced the extremist organizations’ final elimination within Syrian territory
Middle East News World

New videos monitor ISIS fighting alongside the Turkish army in Syria.

New videos showed militants affiliated with ISIS fighting alongside the Turkish army in Idlib, northwestern Syria, in the latest sign of Turkey’s exploitation of terrorist

Libya , Europe , Cronavirus
Middle East News

“Raf”, Tamim’s arm to fund extremists in Syria.

Qatar is still hiding behind charitable societies, relief organizations and humanitarian aid to finance extremist groups in different regions of the world. Intelligence sources revealed