Taliban helps Iran steal US military equipments, further increasing regional threats

Iran is stealing US military equipment despite repeated warnings of the officials and the regional heads. As per a few reports published earlier this week, it was all thanks to the Taliban that Iran could steal those equipment which have further increased regional threats.
The military equipment originally belonged to the Afghan army and after the Taliban took over the nation, Iran wasted no time in getting its hands on those high class military equipment. Doubts cleared even more quickly after pictures from Tehran were leaked on different social media platforms.
In pictures, Humvees can be seen carrying those weapons and taking them from the eastern parts of the country towards tehran on the Semnan Garmsar road. The US military has left the Afghan land but left military equipment there itself.
This has proved to be an opportunity for Tehran who has been looking to get back to American treatment of sanctions. Even with Joe Biden in power, the sanctions on Iran remain strict and even higher level talks could not help the two countries come to one state of documentation.
With Takiban’s takeover of Afghanistan and Iran getting its hands on the weapons, things have become extremely unpredictable in the region. Iran is known to fund and support terrorists in the region and with its current leader, who is an ultra conservative Islamist, things do not look in favour of regional peace.