Tehran needs to explain the three ‘secret’ nuclear sites having uranium presence

nuclear sites

Iran Iran– After release of a critical report by IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), the United Nations nuclear watchdog, Tehran has been demanded to explain how three secret and undeclared nuclear sites in Iran had presence of uranium particles. According to the latest report by IAEA, Iran has not been able to respond to long standing questions about alleged nuclear activity at three undeclared sites – Marivan, Turquzabad and Varamin.

Answers demanded from Tehran

After the revelation by UN watchdog, Tehran has been demanded from international bodies and countries to provide explanation over the finding of uranium at ‘secret’ nuclear sites. “We call on Iran to respond without delay to the questions and needs of the IAEA under its safeguards agreement,” France’s Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday.

Can this jeopardise revival of Iran nuclear deal?

Experts suggest that this finding can create a dispute between 35 nation board of the UN agency as they meet next week for a meeting. Furthermore, if the Western leaders agree to pass a resolution criticizing Tehran, it could further stall the revival of 2015 Iran nuclear deal that is already jeopardised over terms of the deal.

The French Foreign Ministry said, “We are in close consultation with our partners on the follow-up to be given to this situation at the next board of governors.”

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Iran dismisses the report by IAEA

Iran has dismissed the report by the watchdog, calling it “unfair” and has blamed it on “Israeli influence”. “It is feared that the political pressure exerted by the Zionist regime and some other actors has caused the normal path of the agency’s reports to change from technical to political,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said.

Iran’s representative to the IAEA, Mohammad Reza Ghaebi, said, “Iran considers this ap- proach unconstructive to the current close relations and cooperation between the country and the IAEA. The agency should be aware of the destructive consequences of publishing such onesided reports.”

Israel accuses Iran of “stealing documents” from IAEA

The complicated relations between Iran and Israel sees a new bent. On Tuesday, Israel has accused Iran of stealing critical documents from IAEA in an attempt to hide evidence of it building a nuclear bomb. “Iran stole classified documents … and used that information to systematically evade nuclear probes,” Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said. “How do we know? Because we got our hands on Iran’s deception plan.”



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