How to Manage Your Precious Time on Valuable Things


There’s a lot to do in high school. It can be difficult to find free time between classes, homework, sports and co-curricular activities. Participating in a variety of activities can be fun, but feeling overburdened by commitments can be draining. We are all familiar with late-night study sessions and last-minute essay revisions.

Time is the most valuable asset. Not being prepared can leave you feeling panicky. While juggling a busy schedule with a variety of responsibilities can be challenging, it shouldn’t lead to sleepless nights spent cramming for exams. We’ve gathered a few time management tips to keep stress low and productivity high.

Make a to-do list

Keeping track of all your tasks is an important first step in managing a busy schedule. Writing down everything you need to do is a great way to stay on top of what needs to be done every day, week, or month, whether you use a calendar, journal, or the notes app on your phone. Every time you finish a task, cross it off – and watch your list shrink as you accomplish your goals. After you have completed all the items on your list, you will feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

Set reasonable goals

Although keeping track of all your tasks can be helpful for time management, it can also be overwhelming. Break down each task into smaller, more attainable pieces so you stay on top of your tasks without feeling overwhelmed. Instead of trying to tackle an entire project in one night, break it into smaller steps. It is easier to tackle each piece of the project if you devote time to brainstorming, researching, writing, revising, and editing a paper instead of trying to do everything at once.

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Plan ahead

Review your upcoming deadlines and commitments every week. Plan everything in a planner or on your phone’s calendar, so you have everything in one place. Plan your study schedule based on how much time you have each week. You may want to start studying for your history test a little earlier if you know you’ll be volunteering Wednesday afternoon. You won’t be cramming for an exam in the middle of the night.

Take time for yourself

Even supposing it’s only some minutes a day, ensuring that you are taking time every day to check in with yourself. Whether it’s taking 15 minutes to head for a stroll outdoor or taking a spoil to meditate or exercise yoga between papers, supply time to rest and reset. Prioritizing self-care will make sure which you stay aware of your properly-being even at some stage in the busiest instances. Don’t overlook to sleep, too! You will be most efficient whilst your intellectual, emotional, and physical fitness are being paid the eye they deserve.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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