Top 10 Best Places To Visit in Jordan

top 10 best places to visit in jordan

Travelling is a growing passion nowadays, and people want to visit various different parts of the country to explore beautiful landscapes, discover history, and live the culturally rich lives of different regions. We are here with the 10 best places that you must visit if you are planning your trip to Jordan.

10 Must-Visit Places in Jordan


Amman is the capital and largest city of Jordan. This is one of the best places that you must visit while you are in Jordan.The city has a perfect blend of modern and traditional vibes. The city is full of tall, contemporary-designed buildings. You can visit the Roman Amphitheatre, the Jordan Museum, and the art galleries in Jabal Amman while you are in Amman.

Best places,Jordan

2)Mount Nebo

Mount Nebo is one of the most special and sacred places for the people living in Jordan. It is the place where Mose, one of the most important figures, is buried, thus making this place a holy pilgrimage. The memorial to Moses is one of the must-visit places in Jordan.

Best places,Jordan


Jerash is also known as Gerasa. This city is famous for its Greco-Roman ruins. If you are fond of ancient things, then this is one of the best places that you should visit in Jordan. The place is very beautiful and offers scenic views of hills, valleys, and trees of olives, pines, and plums.

Best places,Jordan

4) Bethany Beyond the Jordan

Almaghtas, also known as Bethany Beyond the Jordan, is situated on the eastern side of the Jordan River. This place is divided into two areas: Tell Al-Kharrar and the second area of Saint John’s Baptist’s churches. It is one of the most holy and famous places in Jordan. It is considered that John the Baptist baptised Jesus Christ here.

Best places,Jordan

5)Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is located at the lowest point of the earth, and it is one of the best places in Jordan that you must explore. The Dead Sea is a lake shared by Jordan and Israel. At the bottom of the lake, you can witness the deep aquamarine color. The phenomenon of hypersaline helps float people on the water without any equipment. The mud of this lake is used for therapeutic treatments.

Best places,Jordan

6)Umm Qais

Umm Qais, also called Gadara, is a mediaeval city located in northern Jordan. It is the only green town in a mostly dry country. It offers an amazing view of the Yarmour River, Golan Heights, and Lake Tiberias. This city is 2 hours away from Amman, whether you are planning a day trip from Irbid or staying in Gadara to enjoy the fresh and peaceful evening with a cool atmosphere. Also check out the ancient ruins of the Decapolis city, situated in Gadara.

Best places,Jordan

7) Dana Biosphere Reserve

Dana Biosphere is a place of attractive beauty. It is a beautiful place with a diverse nature and rich heritage. The biosphere reserve’s landscape changes dramatically from sandstone to limestone granite, and the ecosystem shifts from juniper woodlands and oak to sandy desert. It is also the biggest nature reserve in Jordan. It offers numerous activities like cycling, stargazing, cooking classes, and bird watching.

Best places,Jordan


Petra has been an ancient city in Jordan for centuries, carved into red sandstones that are unknown to the rest of the world. It is a thriving business hub and the capital city. Petra became a World Heritage Site in 1985, and then it was added to the 7 Wonders of the World in 2007. You can enter the city through the Siq, a narrow 1-kilometre-long gorge where you can take a glimpse of unique colourful rock formations and, in the end, also catch the glimmer of Al-Khazneh, known as the Treasury.

Best places,Jordan


Aqaba, also known as the Gulf of Aqaba, is one of the best places to visit in Jordan. It is the perfect spot for the Jordanians to relax and swim. It has beautiful and amazing deep blue water and mountains, which is the best spot to click pictures, and is known as the most photogenic place in Jordan.

Keep on Reading

Best places,Jordan

10)Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum is a Quintessential Desert Valley in Jordan. It is one of the most fascinating places to visit in Jordan. It stretches across 74,000 hectares to the east of the Rift Valley. It is known as Jordan’s desert scenery, with sandstone arches, narrow canyons, caves, and tall cliffs as well.

Best places,Jordan


Raven Ruma is a professional journalist with a keen eye on domestic and foreign situations. His favorite pastime is to keep the public informed about the current situation through his pen and he is fulfilling this responsibility through the platform of Arab News.

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