Tunisia Protests: Fourth night of protests sees hundreds of protesters being arrested


Tunisia is witnessing widespread protests, entering into its fourth night. On Monday, the centre of Tunis, capital city of Tunisia saw protesters returning to streets leading to police arresting as many as 600 people.

In Tunis centre on Monday, young crowd of demonstrators gathered and pelted stones and petrol bombs on the police. The forces then responded with water cannon and tear gas. Demonstrators had gathered outside federal offices in Bourguiba Avenue, Tunis, calling for release of arrested fellow protestors in past days. They charged chanting “no fear, no fear, the street belongs to the people.”

The latest round of unrest and protests coincide to tenth anniversary of the Tunisian revolution that pushed democracy and triggered ushering of Arab Spring across region. The hopes of the revolution to bring in employment, economy boost and opportunities have since been disappointed.The ongoing protests in Tunisia are against economic catastrophic scenario and unemployment. Pandemic has worsened the condition leading to the widespread protests by people across Tunisia.

Read more : Tunisia leading the region with its democracy as Arab Spring celebrates its 10th anniversary

Majority of arrested protesters since Friday have been detained on accounts of looting and vandalism, as said by the interior ministry.Apart from Tunis, protests are also going on in Gafsa, Kasserine, Monastir and Sousse.Clashes between police and protesters are mainly taking place in under-privileged and densely populated areas with history of tense relations between the two parties.

Interior Ministry spokesperson Khaked Hayouni reports two policemen to be injured during clashes. He said, “This has nothing to do with protest movements that are guaranteed by the law and the constitution. Protests take place in broad daylight… without any criminal acts involved.”Tunisia’s economy shrunk by 9% in 2020 with rise in consumer rates exponentially. Country’s tourism industry has been adversely impacted by the lockdown during pandemic.Amnesty International, among many rights groups, has urged Tunisian authorities to uphold rights of demonstrators arrested.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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