UN launches network to combat global corruption

After decades of decaying in the system of corruption and falling as a victim to implement all the policies, the UN launches a global-wide mission to fight corruption from the grassroots level.
Being the front warrior in the mission, Saudi Arabia is working to launch the Initiative.The main objective of the Riyadh Initiative Network is to develop a rapid and effective tool to combat cross-border corruption and crime. They are focusing on building a global network of operations to exchange information between anti-corruption agencies.
The President of Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority, Mazin bin Ibrahim Al-Kahmous has been authored to head the UK’s delegation at the session at the UN headquarters.The initiative started by Riyadh has received massive international support, and a political declaration. The UN General Assembly also joins in combating corruption, the joined forces have titled this as the Global Network of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Authorities (GlobE Network).
As UK has worked tirelessly during its G20 presidency last year to develop and launch the network to strengthen efforts to combat corruption internationally, thus the Riyadh Initiative was developed in partnership with G20 countries. Their team will comprise Interpol, the Egmont Group, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Financial Action Task Force, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Through this initiative, global powers are also eyeing to develop a rapid and effective tool to combat cross-border and international corruption centres too.
The Secretary-General mentioned that corruption steals trillions of dollars from people all over the world – usually from those most in need, as it siphons off resources for sustainable development and when powerful people get away with corruption, people lose trust in their governing institutions. He opined too those democracies as a result are weakened by cynicism and hopelessness. He concluded the meeting by stating that they all need to strengthen international cooperation to recover stolen assets and prevent those responsible for corruption from finding safe havens for themselves and their funds.