Unity Necessary In Maintaining Peace In Yemen: Hans Grundberg


Yemen YemenAccording to Hans Grundberg, the ceasefire in Yemen is a fragile one and would not last long. As the month of sharing and caring comes in Ramadan, it is quite at the moment Yemen. But the sudden spurts of violence in the Marib region could lead to a collapse of the peace efforts.

For a nation that has been ravaged by war for almost seven years, this two-month truce is a fragile base of the democracy to stand on. Mr. Grundberg said this while addressing the UN Security Council meeting recently. Ceasefire has come forth since the Houthis stopped their cross-border missile mounting attacks especially on Saudi Arabia. Further, the Saudi-led coalition fighting on behalf of the internationally recognised government has also halted its air-strike campaign, the Swedish diplomat told the council. It is worth noting that this is significant as the Houthi rebels control the capital of Sanaa, west coast ports and much of northern Yemen.

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Collective action is important for prevent breaches as they might lead to collapse of whatever little has been solicited in the agreement. The collective action of pro-government Yemeni forces strengthened their connections last few months due to which Houthis had to retreat and their efforts to capture energy rich areas in Yemen. According to Grundberg formal statement to the council, “Truce is broadly holding, but reports of military operations specially around #Marib are concerning &must be addressed urgently through the truce mechanisms. I remind the parties that this respite should be used to progress toward ending the war not to escalate it.”

The UN’s top humanitarian Martin Griffiths said the truce had allowed for the arrival of much-needed fuel ships to the rebel-held west coast Hodeidah port, and progress on reopening roads in Taez and Sanaa airport to commercial flights. The flights will route from Sanaa to Amman and Cairo, offering many Yemenis their first opportunity in six years to travel abroad for medical treatment, access to foreign embassies and other services unavailable at home. “Hostilities have dropped sharply across the country. Civilian casualties have fallen to their lowest level in months,” said Mr. Griffiths.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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