US Warns Iran Amid Raisi’s Phone Call to Saudi Crown Prince


With Iran and Saudi Arabia sharing concerns about the escalation between Israel and Hamas, the US warned Tehran to be careful. Amid speculations of Iran playing a role in Hamas’ attack, the US has no evidence to blame the Iranian government.

In fact, the US intelligence says Tehran was equally surprised. But the Biden administration is not ready to close this chapter. Washington has pushed its intelligence community to look for evidence of Iranian involvement.

Iran and Saudi Arabia Discuss Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

According to Saudi state news agency SPA, Mohammed bin Salman told the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi that Saudi Arabia was exerting maximum effort to engage with all international and regional parties to halt the ongoing escalation.

He highlighted the kingdom’s position rejecting targeting of civilians and taking innocent lives. MBS emphasized the need to take into account the principles of international humanitarian law and highlighted the humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip.

The Crown Prince also reiterated Saudi Arabia’s firm position – supporting the Palestinian cause and efforts to achieve a comprehensive and just peace that guarantees the Palestinian people their legitimate rights.

Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed on the need to end war crimes against Palestine. Both countries highlighted Islamic unity and that US’s green light to Israel will cause destructive insecurity for the regime.

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Raisi Calls Islamic Countries to Unite

The Iranian President, as per an official statement, said Iran and Saudi Arabia as two key players at the critical juncture must support the oppressed Muslim nation of Palestine. “Islamic countries have a duty to cooperate and unite in order to stop the Zionists crimes against the Palestinians as soon as possible. Iran and Saudi Arabia can help ensure the legal rights of Palestinians and stop the aggression and crimes of the Zionist regime.”

Raisi also blamed the western countries and their repeated miscalculations for the Israel-Hamas war. “The only principled solution to the Palestinian problem, as the main problem of the region, is to pay attention to the rights of the oppressed people of this land, based on and according to the proposal of the Republic Islamic Iran for all Palestinians to determine their fate in a democratic process and in a free and fair election.”



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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