Why Egypt Is Not Pleased With Turkish Half Hearted Peace Deal

While the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has been saying that things are getting better between Egypt and Turkey, the latter is not saying so. There is no resumption of diplomatic ties between the nations. Things went sour between the nations after the removal of President Mohamed Morsi in August 2013.
In fact the Egyptian foreign minister counterpart, made a clear statement in the media saying that Egypt had no intentions of making any peace with any gulf countries. On its part Egypt feels that the other side has to first take onus of respecting their sovereignty before talking loosely about getting along.
In a formal statement, the Egyptian side said, “Egypt expects that any country that needs to establish normal relations with it [Egypt] should abide by the rules of international law and the principles of good neighbor policy and stop attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of the countries of the region.”
Things will remain to be sour also, because both have been supporting conflicting regional issues on opposite sides. One issue worrying Egypt is Turkey’s support of Muslim brotherhood that the former considers as a terrorist organization. Further, Ankara’s military presence in Libya is also another bone of contention.
Read more : Egypt denies Turkish claims of holding talks with Ankara over energy exploration in Mediterranean Sea
In retaliation to Ankara’s signing up a maritime deal with Libya, Egypt went on and signed an alternative maritime deal with Greece last year to demarcate maritime boundaries. But Turkey is now trying to create a sense of friendship amongst its Arab counterparts. It plans to give the carrot to Egypt, but the latter would like a piece of the pie instead.
Political analysts feel that Turkey has plans to sign maritime delineation agreements with Israel and Egypt that are similar to the one it signed with Libya. However, for them to be on the same page, one of the bigger maritime deals has to go out of the window, literally.