Yemen’s Presidential Leadership Council To Restructure Army And Security Forces


Yemen Yemen-The Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) of Yemen has formed a new military commission to restructure the army and security forces in the country.

According to a statement released by the state-run Saba news agency, the committee will begin restructuring the pro-government army and security forces in a step aimed at maintaining peace and stability in the country. The PLC said that the decision was under Article 5 of the agreement announced last month in Saudi Arabia regarding the transfer of power from former Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi. Last month, Saudi Arabia also urged Hadi to begin talks with the Houthis to end Yemen’s devastating war.

The newly formed military commission

The PLC issued a statement after a meeting headed by its chairman, Gen Rashad Al Alimi. According to the statement, the committee will work to prevent internal clashes within Yemeni forces.

Gen Rashad Al Alimi approved the formation of the new committee. The 59-member committee will be headed by Maj Gen Haitham Qassem Taher. The deputy chairman will be Maj Gen Taher Ali Al Aqili. The committee will take the necessary steps to realise the integration of armed forces under unified leadership. The PLC also agreed to form a committee to evaluate and restructure the intelligence services aimed at maintaining peace in the country.

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The eight-member PLC includes powerful political and military figures. The council is led by Rashad Al-Alimi, a security official who was interior minister during the former presidency of Ali Abdullah Saleh. Al-Alimi enjoys Saudi Arabia’s support and has a close relationship with the Islamist Islah party, which has been an important political party in Yemen’s government-in-exile.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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