Some Secretive Instagram Tricks & Hacks In 2022

insta tricks

Instagram started as a place to post your photos to share with the world and over time has grown to become a complete social networking and messaging tool.

In this article we collect some secretive Instagram tricks & hacks in 2022 so that you can master this application and get the most out of it.

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  1. Mute Someone Without Unfollowing Them
    Not everyone you follow is equally important. If you have a friend on Instagram who is going a little too far with the beach photos and you would like to stop seeing them for a while, you can mute them. When you mute someone, their posts don’t show up on your timeline, even though the other person has no way of knowing.
    ●Tap the three dots button on a post from the account you want to mute.
    ●Tap on Mute.
  2. Avoid Being Tagged
    If you want to prevent other people from tagging you in posts on Instagram, you can change it from the app settings. There you can set up manual tag approval , which means you won’t be tagged automatically, but rather you must approve each tag before it becomes public.
    ●In Instagram settings, go to Privacy
    ●Tap on Tags
    ●Turn on Manually Approve Labels
    ●Press Activate.
  3. Archive Photos To Hide Them
    From time to time you will want to do some cleaning on your Instagram account, removing from the public eye posts that are no longer relevant or that you no longer like very much. Instead of deleting them forever, you can hide them by archiving them. You can still see them and, if you change your mind, you can always show them again on your profile.
    ●Tap on the three dots button on the post you want to hide.
    ●Choose Archive.
  4. Save Photos In ‘Albums’
    Instagram does not have albums per se, but it does have something similar: collections . A collection can contain both your own and other people’s posts, which are stored in order so you can refer to them later.
    ●Tap the bookmark icon on the post you want to save.
    ●Tap Save to Collection.
    ●Choose a name for your collection.
  5. Block Offensive Comments
    Instagram, just like any other social network, can be a pretty toxic place. Luckily, lately several tools have been added to control what comments you receive on Instagram and to be able to block certain words. If someone tries to add a comment that includes one of these words, the comment is automatically hidden.
    ●In Instagram settings, tap on Privacy
    ●Go to Comments
    ●Turn on Hide offensive comments
    ●Turn on Filter Most Reported Words
    ●Activate manual filter
    Add below words that you want to be banned in the comments of your posts. Comments that include them will not be displayed.

Please comment below if you want us to add more secretive Instagram tricks & hacks In this article! Let us know in the comments, if you found these Instagram hacks useful.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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