10 Weird Laws Around The World That You Should Know About

Every country’s laws are different. Today, we present you with a list of 10 weird laws around the world you may not believe exist.
10 weird laws around the world
It is illegal to chew gum in Singapore
Importing, selling or making gum in Singapore can cost you. If you get caught blowing bubbles in the streets of Singapore, you can get fined or jail time. Chewing gum is banned to improve the cleanliness of the island.
It is illegal to feed pigeons in Venice, Italy
You cannot feed pigeons in Venice, Italy. The ban has been in effect since 2008. The law was imposed to stop the flying rodents from ruining Saint Mark’s Square.
Earlier, tourists used to feed pigeons to get a picture. Later on, Venice lawmakers decided to ban this practice. They said the cleanup from the birds cost each citizen €275 per year.
No selfies with Buddha in Sri Lanka
It is illegal to take selfies with Buddha in Sri Lanka. When you take a selfie with Buddha, you are turning your back on him. It is a sign of disrespect in Sri Lanka. The breaking of this law is punishable by imprisonment in Sri Lanka.
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It’s illegal to fly a kite in Victoria, Australia
You cannot fly a kite in a public space if it bothers another person in Victoria, Australia. It is listed as part of the Summary Offences Act of 1966.
It’s illegal to wear lacy underwear in Russia
Women cannot wear lacy underwear in Russia. A 2014 law in Russia states undergarments must be made with a minimum of 6 per cent of cotton. So, no one can buy lace garments in Russia.
Married women can only have one glass of wine in Bolivia
If you are a married woman in La Paz, Bolivia, you can only drink one glass of wine. The law is imposed due to the belief that alcohol may make a woman immoral. A husband can even divorce his wife if she is drinking in public.
It’s illegal to build a sandcastle in Spain
You cannot make a sandcastle in Spain. You could be fined if caught building a sandcastle in Spain. Even kids can’t make a sandcastle in Spain.
It’s illegal to tell fortunes in Maryland
Tarot card reading, palm reading or any other method of fortune-telling is banned across the state of Maryland. If you are found guilty, you could receive a fine of up to $500 and even up to a year in jail.
You can’t turn off your phone’s camera sound in South Korea
You cannot turn off your phone’s camera sound while taking photos in South Korea. If you buy a phone in the country, you will be unable to turn off the camera sound. This was done to curb spy shots and boost privacy.
Don’t hang your dirty laundry in public in Tobago
You can’t hang your dirty laundry in public in Tobago. It is illegal to dry your clothes anywhere, including a street, wall, fence or window facing a street.
These are the list of 10 weird laws around the world. What do you think about these laws?