5 Strangest Mysteries of All Time


Everyone loves mystery and a real insoluble life puzzle is much more fascinating than any fictional one. Even if you get the answer in a fiction and not in the real one.

There are all sorts of bizarre things that have happened, some of which are the unsolved mysteries of the world; from puzzling coded texts, no one has been able to decipher to showers with vegetables falling out of the sky. With lots of documentaries about strange events, some of which have been solved while the explanation to others can only be tried with unthinkable and very speculative theories – here is a selection of the 5 strangest mysteries of all time.

Seeds From Heaven
In 1979, the Southampton House of Mr Moody was suddenly removed by mustard seeds and cress patterning on his greenhouse, apparently simply falling out of the sky. The next day it was beans, corn and pea seeds and his neighbors had both sides as well. This happened again and again for a while, eventually less often and finally it stopped, after 25 separate “cases”.

Mr Moody collected eight buckets of cress seeds during that time and ten kilos of beans were collected between the three gardens – but no one has been able to find out where the seeds came from, then or now. Obviously, the seeds grew into very good quality products, though!

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The Zodiac Letters
These are various encrypted messages that are believed to have been written by a San Francisco killer in the 1960s / 70s, known as the Zodiac Killer, and are thought to have been written to arouse police and the press.

The killer has never been captured, even though the last known Zodiac murder was in 1970; and of the messages he sent to the police and the press, only one has so far been cracked. Between 1966 and 1974, the Zodiac killer provided more than 20 written communications with the press and police, including other figures that have not been cracked to date, making them part of the world’s unsolved mysteries.

Odon Pyro Ghost
William Hackler was a farmer in Odon, Indiana, and on the morning of 1941 he had just left the house when he smelled smoke and hurried back inside to find a fire that apparently started inside a bedroom wall.

Then they had no electricity, so it was very strange! The volunteer fire services came up and made it sound, but then things started to get really weird – when the firefighters left, a second fire started from inside a mattress, then another that apparently started between the covers of a book and for the rest of the day, fires just continued to break out all over the house – even some under the noses and eyes of various surprised people!

In all, twenty-eight apparently spontaneous fires appeared during the day, when they just stopped, and Mr. Hackler was so discomposed by everything he tore down the house and rebuilt from the ground up. This seems to have worked.

A Signal from Outer World
Many people may remember SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), where people around the world donated extra computer time to help record and analyze any messages coming in from outer space. But in all the signals that were watching, only one came close to possibly being the real thing – that is, a real message from somewhere other than the earth. In 1977, SETI volunteer Jerry Ehman scanned radio wave signals coming in from space and looked for signs of possible intelligence when he saw nails in the measurements.

Over 1 minute 15 seconds (the maximum time his matrix could measure) Jerry saw as the system recorded the powerful signal, apparently from Tau Sagittarius, 120 lights away in the constellation Sagittarius – and wrote “Wow!” On the print, hence it has since been known as’ The Wow! Signal’. No one has ever been able to find it again, but scientists have had a field day trying to explain its meaning and origin!

The Electric Girl
One of the world’s unresolved mysteries took place in early 1846 when a 14-year-old Angelique Cottin suddenly began to have a strange ‘electric’ effect on objects around her – furniture floating through the air, chairs moving as she tried to sit on them and a weaving frame even danced around a room!

Her body would also move suddenly and wildly, apparently without her conscious doing anything, to such an extent she was injured a number of times. Although her parents suspected she was obsessed, their pastor could not do anything and denied that this was the problem, so instead the parents placed Angelique on the display and charged people to come and see her! But just three months later, the strange “electric” effects stopped as abruptly as they had begun,

What do you think about these 5 strangest mysteries of all time in the world? Do you believe in the life of the outer world or aliens? We are all ears, you can share with us by commenting below!



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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