Articles By This Author


Turkey continues to fuel the Libyan conflict

Greece and Turkey are dangerously close to coming to blows over the race of oil & gas in the region and might drag many others


Middle Eastern rich people’s profits during COVID-19 enough to pay Beirut blast repair bill, Oxfam shows

The assets of the twenty-one richest people in the Middle East have improved by more than double the amount needed to reconstruct explosion-stricken capital of


Major Victory As 1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Gets Green Signal

Iran has granted access to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors to inspect two former nuclear sites which are “suspected” to be still having outstanding


US-China likely to “push forward” Phase One agreement after months of stalled talks

On Tuesday, top negotiators of the US-China trade talks decided to ‘push forward’ the phase one agreement. The two representatives who spoke over a call,

Middle East

Cyprus under attack from Turkey and Qatar propaganda channel Al Jazeera

The Arab channel Al-Jazeera generously financed by Qatar to act as a megaphone for the propaganda of the Muslim Brotherhood is carrying out a smear


Israel comes down on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon

In addition to being engaged with Hamas along the Gaza border, Israel is now striking Hezbollah targets on the Lebanese border. Responding to shots fired


Marzouki Insulted For Speaking Out Against Tunisian Leadership

On Tuesday, the young people of Tripoli took to the streets for the third consecutive day. The speech of Prime Minister Fayez al-Serraj did not


Amid protests for revolution, Lebanon’s ruling class continues to control the system

The devastating blast at Beirut’s port on August 4 sent shock wave across Lebanon, affecting thousands of life in the aftermath. Notedly, the responsibility of

Middle East

UK’s Halane sisters held in detention by Kurds after fleeing from Syrian camp

Twin sisters from Manchester, UK, Zahra and Salma Halane, now 22, are now being detained at a high-security detention centre after they tried to escape


Libya: Al-Serraj’s speech does not convince the demonstrators

The televised speech last night by the Libyan President of the Council of the Government of National Accord (GNA), Fayez Al-Sarraj, failed to calm the