Bridging Middle East and Europe for a New Era of Cooperation, says Greek FM Gerapetritis

middle east and europe for a new era of cooperation

In an exclusive interview with the Arab News, Giorgos Gerapetritis, the Greek foreign minister, highlighted Greece’s efforts to enhance cooperation with Arab Gulf states, particularly Saudi Arabia. He emphasized that these nations are at the forefront of green projects and renewable initiatives, making them strategic partners in sustainable development.

Gerapetritis shared Greece’s vision of becoming a vital bridge between the Middle East and Europe. He emphasized Greece’s desire to serve as a trans-regional energy, communications, and logistics hub, bridging the two continents.

Green Energy Interconnection: A Key Focus

The foreign minister underscored Greece’s commitment to fostering energy interconnection between the Middle East and Europe. He highlighted the importance of Greece’s partnership with Arab states, particularly Saudi Arabia, in advancing green projects and renewable initiatives.

Addressing Global Challenges

Discussing Greece’s bid for a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council for the 2025-2026 term, Gerapetritis emphasized his country’s dedication to addressing global challenges. These challenges include conflict resolution, the promotion of international law, good governance, and a collective response to climate change.

Urgent Action on Climate Change

Gerapetritis acknowledged the urgent need to address climate change, particularly in the Mediterranean region. Greece has experienced the devastating impact of wildfires and extreme weather, prompting a renewed commitment to the green transition on both national and global scales.

Greece’s Green Energy Goals

Greece is actively working toward sourcing 80 percent of its electricity from renewables by 2027. The country is committed to implementing the Paris Agreement and the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, emphasizing its dedication to a sustainable future.

Saudi Greek Interconnection: A Milestone for Clean Energy

Gerapetritis highlighted a recent agreement between Greece and Saudi Arabia to establish a jointly owned company called “Saudi Greek Interconnection.” This initiative explores the commercial viability of power grid interconnection between the two countries, ultimately providing Europe with more affordable clean energy.

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Expanding Collaboration with Saudi Arabia

The agreement, signed in Athens on September 27, represents the first step in a larger plan to supply Europe with green energy. It also paves the way for broader cooperation between Greece and Saudi Arabia, covering various areas such as energy efficiency, oil, gas, petrochemicals, the circular economy, and decarbonization.



Raven Ruma is a professional journalist with a keen eye on domestic and foreign situations. His favorite pastime is to keep the public informed about the current situation through his pen and he is fulfilling this responsibility through the platform of Arab News.

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