Saudi Arabia and Greece Focus On Green Energy Investments

Saudi Arabia Greece

Saudi arabia Saudi arabiaDeepening of ties is on the horizon for Greece and Saudi Arabia as they met over a two-day conference to firm up plans over green energy and other commodities. The one is focus is definitely energy.

Meeting the Greek counterpart was Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ahead of the Saudi-Greek Investment Forum. Green Hydrogen took the main focus of their discussions as the world is gradually moving towards renewable less polluting sources of energy.

The investment forum is focusing essentially on building a data cable network linking the East to the West. This cable will ensure the smooth digital supply of data worldwide at a time when the data traffic is growing by more than 30 percent. The project aims to position the two countries as an eastern digital station for Europe to reach the Middle East, the continents of Africa and Asia. 

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Meanwhile, investment in energy also spanned exploration in capturing carbon, reusing, transporting and storing the gas, as well as capturing carbon directly from the air. Making an official statement, the Crown Prince said, “explore the scope of capturing carbon, reusing, transporting and storing the gas, as well as capturing carbon directly from the air.” This still does not announce the ‘big item’ that the Crown Prince refrained from speaking about.

A memorandum has been signed between Saudi Minister of Energy Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman and Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikolaos Georgios Dendias. It sets a framework for cooperation in the fields of renewable energy, electrical interconnection, exporting electricity to Greece and Europe, clean hydrogen and its transfer to Europe, Saudi Press Agency reported.

The Crown Prince and the Greek Prime Minister also witnessed the signing of the agreement to establish the Saudi-Greek Strategic Partnership Council.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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