Can Technology Help Prevent Human Smuggling Across Borders Worldwide?

Technology can play a huge rule in controlling human trafficking mishaps as the one that happened in a truck trailer at the in the remote area of San Antonio in America. The way human trafficking continues and such trailers are not being nabbed is not just a huge human rights issue, but greatly a technological challenge as well.
Social analysts have found that most of those dealing with illegal immigration as these are really not functioning under one umbrella. There isn’t any one cartel which is identifiable. There are sub groups and specialist that look after every stage of immigration.
So, there are multiple providers providing competitive pricing and the prospective immigrant has a list to choose from. Some have tie-ups with drivers and truck trailer companies, some lure them at the spur of the moment. Smuggling route information for example is easily shared through a Viber app. The concerned authorities need to start tapping into these invaluable technological wonders to get the information tip, as it happens.
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Speaking to the service provider and asking them to communicate and inform authorities of suspicious information being exchanged, should also be looked into. Tracking their transportation services online and the recruitment phase of smuggling apart from understanding the use of emojis in electronic messages and on web pages can provide valuable bits of information.
Let’s face it! It is a matter of time that such communication will start to surface in other parts of Europe where migrants from Middle Eastern countries are desperately looking at ways of getting out of their misery-stricken countries.
As of now, areas where trucks can mix-in well with rigs are functioning as human carriers. Thousands of trucks cross borders every day in almost every country around the world. Research shows that smugglers operate their own logistics chains, but with safehouses instead of warehouses.
One can also look at starting from embedding license plates with chips to ensure they are not cloned. Detecting extra life or presence of life in trucks can be done through the intervention of heat or motion sensors. There are ways that technology can play a major role in preventing this escalating human smuggling problem that is affecting America and parts of Middle East as well.