Erdogan Islamic brand, from Hagia Sophia to al-Aqsa: Advertising stuns of the most hated man after Adolf Hitler

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has promised to “free the al-Aqsa mosque” from Israel after he “resurrected Hagia Sophia” as a mosque.The highly controversial decision to change the status of the ancient Hagia Sophia, transformed into a mosque in 1453 and then into a museum in 1934, is in the wake of an increasingly authoritarian religious agenda. With the Muslim Brotherhood of Erdogan, Turkey turned into the biggest jail in the world for journalists and dissidents accused of terrorism.

Turkey is also playing an increasingly outsider role as an international defender and promoter of its Islamic brand. This blending of Turkish nationalism with an Islamic consciousness highlights the agency of ideological seduction that accompanies Neo-Ottomanism. That’s why Erdogan is fielding increasing military invasions in neighboring countries. He is supporting terrorism in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Pakistan and now is preparing to invade Yemen, Lebanon and Palestine with his loyal mercenaries.

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The Turkish totalitarian regime has long supported an uncompromising version of the Palestinian cause, speaking out for extremist attacks on Israel, Catholics, and Jews. It remained famous how Erdogan left the Davos stage in 2009 during a speech by the then President of Israel Shimon Peres. The following year, Turkey sent the Mavi Marmara ship, carrying terrorists from the Turkish Islamist group IHH, to violate the Israeli anti-Hamas blockade of the Gaza Strip. In recent years, Turkish religious and political authorities have taken increasingly hostile positions towards Europe and the West, mobilizing imams with hate speeches towards international institutions and diplomatic missions, as well as threatening to flood Europe with millions of migrants and refugees.

By explicitly linking Hagia Sophia’s provocative change to the status of Jerusalem, Ankara demonstrates that his ambitions go far beyond restoring Islamic prayers in the historic cathedral and mosque in Istanbul. The decision is part of the Islamist agenda concerning the whole region, recreate the Ottoman Empire with a new name: the Islamic State. Ankara’s strategy pursues growing influence across the region thanks to terrorist groups and like-minded countries, such as Qatar and the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) led by Fayez al-Sarraj.

Turkey is trying to supplant Saudi Arabia, and other countries in the region such as Egypt and Jordan, in the capacity of interpreter of what is truly Islamic. In this sense, for the Ankara leadership, the conversion of Hagia Sophia is nothing more than a step within a broader religious militarism program in the Middle East and the West. His bloodthirsty channels, including radio and reading channels, his outlawed imams have washed the brains of thousands of refugees fleeing the war. He leveraged their frailties, their economic need, to plant the seed of hatred in them.

Often, sentencing them to death, as in the case of Syrian mercenaries sent to Libya. He proclaims himself a defender of Islam, when in fact he is using it to achieve his advantages. He never misses an opportunity to provoke the world that remains to watch his delusions of omnipotence, which have made him the most hated man in modern history after Adolf Hitler.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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