Google Introduces Passkeys, An Alternate to Password

We usually use strong passwords for our accounts on Google and others. But many times we get stuck on forgetting the password and are helpless while logging into our own account.
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Are you one of those who find it difficult to remember passwords?
Passkeys were made available to all account holders by Google on Wednesday, May 3, 2023.
Using a fingerprint, face scan, or screen lock PIN, users can unlock their devices and sign in to apps and websites using Passkeys.
More about the Passkeys-
Passkeys are the “easiest and most secure way” to sign in to apps and websites, according to Google, which called it a “major step towards a password less future” in a blog post.
On all major platforms, support for passkeys will gradually be added to Google Accounts, it was added. Along with passwords and two-step verification, people will also be able to sign in using these passkeys.
“For a while now, we and other professionals in the field have been working on a quicker and more secure password replacement. Even though passwords are here to stay, they can be difficult to remember and put your security at risk if they fall into the wrong hands, according to Google.
According to the blog post, passkeys are more secure than passwords and immune to online threats like phishing.
Passkeys have already been integrated into services like DocuSign, Kayak, PayPal, Shopify, and Yahoo Japan to make it easier for users to sign in.
Users with Google Accounts can test out passkeys. Here is the direct way for it- TAP HERE
Administrators of Google Workspace accounts will soon have the option to give their end users passkeys when logging in.
Passkeys will ease the burden on users to remember numerous passwords for various accounts while ensuring authentication security, according to Professor Zhou Jianying, co-center director for iTrust at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).
“However, this is predicated on the notion that passkeys are kept securely. Your passkey will be compromised if your device is easily hackable, he continued.
It will be very challenging for attackers to steal a passkey remotely because it is stored on the user’s mobile device, according to Associate Professor Chang Ee-Chien of the National University of Singapore’s School of Computing.
An attacker must physically possess the mobile phone and be able to unlock it to steal the passkey. This is considerably more challenging than (stealing) a password,” he continued.
According to Prof. Zhou, passwords are sufficient for access control and authentication in non-critical applications, and two-factor authentication can increase security.
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Only the first line of defense is provided by passwords or passkeys. A second line of defense is necessary for critical applications, he added.
“We cannot rely solely on a single security solution to address all security problems,” he declared.