How Syndicate Needs To Come Together For The Larger Good Of Lebanon


Lebanon lebanonLebanon isn’t looking at getting any respite in the professional syndicate elections as opposing factions are refusing to come on a common ground. This includes the Lebanese Bar Associations, the Order of Pharmacists of Lebanon, and the Lebanese Press Editors’ Syndicate that returned expected candidates. Unfortunately, the elections of the Lebanese Dental Association were suspended after a fight broke out between members.

Meanwhile, the Hezbollah members entered the vote counting hall and proceeded to destroy the ballot boxes. It is worth noting that one of Lebanon’s main Christian politicians has already accused foe Hezbollah and its allies of working to postpone a parliamentary election set for March over fears of electoral losses, warning such a move would condemn Lebanon to a “slow death.”

Read | Lebanon might go into civil war like situation because of Hezbollah

Strangely, while the factions are not willing to come on a common ground, many new candidates have already called for change. May Abi Akl, who scored the second largest number of votes among the candidates who lost, was one of them. She noted that her decision to run for election “aimed at bringing about change within the Press Editors’ Syndicate and preventing the election of a closed list that only represents itself. Our objective was to introduce new blood into the syndicate and we were able to stir up the still water.”

The hue and cry are over getting rid of the ruling class and getting a government that works for the people. Right now, alliances are important to overthrow selfish factions. These include the Shiite duo, the Amal Movement and Hezbollah Party. No one is interested in the larger good of the country. A unified front within the syndicate is a must for future benefit.



Sulaiman keeps an important eye on domestic and international politics while he has mastered history.

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