Yemen People
Middle East

Yemen’s climatic disaster puts lives, livelihoods, and culture in jeopardy

Yemen–Yemen is experiencing one of the world’s biggest humanitarian disasters. The situation in the nation is growing increasingly urgent seven years after a substantial escalation

Middle East

US criticizes Iran’s participation in a defense exhibition in Qatar

Qatar–A defense show in Qatar has turned heads with participation from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The IRGC has created a stir by displaying missile

Middle East

European official interfering in Somalia election may hint at political advantage

Somalia-It was unlikely behavior when recently an European official tweeted about the killings that take place in Somalia. The African nation certainly does not come

Middle East

Lebanese Central bank governor charged with corruption and money laundering

Lebanon–After failing to appear in court for the fifth time, a Lebanese judge accused central bank director Riad Salameh with “illicit enrichment” and money laundering,

Middle East

Lebanon discusses restoring Gulf ties with Kuwait

Lebanon–The Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati held a phone call with Kuwait’s foreign minister, Sheikh Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah, to restore Lebanese-Gulf relations. Mikati’s office

Middle East

Israel’s Naftali Bennett appears as a mediator in the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Israel– Naftali Bennett was fighting for his political life just a year ago, as Israel prepared for its fourth election in a row. Today, Israeli

Middle East

Palestinian opponents had their diplomatic passports revoked by Abbas

Palestine– Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has canceled the diplomatic passports of many former officials in a fresh move against his political opponents. Nasser al-Qudwa, a

Middle East

Lebanon’s major parties are preparing for the May elections

Lebanon–More than 500 candidates, including 69 women, have applied to run in the May 15 parliamentary elections in Lebanon, with the country’s interior ministry anticipating

Middle East

Deep divides in the Security Council over Syria’s chemical weapons have been exposed once again

Syria–The UN’s disarmament director informed members of the Security Council on Thursday that the Syrian government’s disclosure regarding its chemical weapons still has gaps and

Middle East

Thousands have taken to the streets across Yemen to protest the gasoline shortages caused by the Saudi-led embargo

Yemen– Protesters slammed the US for supporting the Saudi-led coalition’s military involvement in Yemen with military, intelligence, and diplomatic backing. They also chastised the world