New Jordanian Children’s Bill Hits Roadblock On ‘Subversion To Islam’ Claims


Jordan JordanThe ‘Children’s’ Right Bill’ is in danger of being subverted in Jordon over false understanding that it actually ‘subverts Islam’. But the civil group head of National Council for Family Affairs is going all out to protect the legislature from falling flat.  He has said that the same conforms to a UN convention Jordon had signed some 16 years ago.

Mohammed Mogdadi, secretary general of the National Council for Family Affairs understands like many others how marginalized and compromised has been the rights of children in Jordon. This includes a huge lot of refugee children from Syria, Palestine, and Libya for example too.

The Children’s Rights bill, which the government submitted to Parliament for approval last month streamlines rights and obligations present in existing legislation and does not introduce new ones, Mr. Mogdadi has communicated to the media.

There are mixed opinions about the children’s bill. Some say it is unnecessary, subverting Islam, simply inspired by western values. The ones on this side are Islamist and ultranationalist MPs. There are others who believe, this a great way to modernize Jordon.

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Some Jordanians have also attacked the bill on social media, particularly clauses related to freedom and privacy, which they say undermine religious values.

All significant powers in Jordan are with the monarch, King Abdullah II, and passing legislation is mostly a formality, especially when it comes to national politics, security and foreign affairs.

But the 130-member, mostly tribal parliament has some leeway when it comes to social legislation in the mostly conservative country. In response to criticism from MPs and members of the public, Mr Mogdadi said the law is based on the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Giving more teeth to his claim, he has said to the media that the Jordanian law ratified the UN convention in 2006 and the wider laws applicable in the kingdom — such as a clause in the constitution guaranteeing personal freedom. “The constitution guarantees personal freedom to all and did not specify man, woman or child,” he said.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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