Pakistan army kills 11 IS militants in a raid


Police officials of Pakistan reported that in raid Pakistan’s counter-terrorism units raided a hideout of the Islamic State group in Baluchistan province before dawn yesterday and in a shootout killed 11 militants.

Acting as the intel from trained teams, the army unit carried out raid in Mastung district where IS militants had recently killed two police officers. The police asserted that from there hideout place, they recovered suicide belts, hand grenades and assault rifles among many other deadly and harmful items.

Although counter-terrorism department did not provide any details or disclosed the nationality of the slain militants. The unit is a special branch of the police that fights militant groups and works under strict confidence code.

IS militants have been troublesome in the recent years in the Balochistan’s capital Quetta. Since IS has regional affiliates in both Pakistan and neighboring Afghanistan thus it becomes easy for them to access the local resources and attack severely.

Baluchistan is also the scene of a low-level insurgency by Baluch separatist groups, which have also targeted non-Baluch laborers. However, unlike IS, they have no history of attacks on the minority Shiite community.

Entire operation was headed by Counter Terrorism Department of the Balochistan police. Spokesperson told that IS militants were asked to surrender but they opened fire on the raiding party instead which led to critical exchange of fire. Amidst this severe attack 11 militants from the opposite side were killed. These militants have moreover come into limelight since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan on August 15 and thereafter continued activities to spread terror and fear in the lives of residents.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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