So Many More People Flying to Middle East and Africa

Way way way more people are taking aeroplanes to travel these days. A big group called IATA says there are a whole bunch of brand-new passengers on planes going to the Middle East and Africa.
Middle East Planes Full
Planes flying to the Middle East had 10 extra people for every 100 seats compared to last year. That’s a big jump! It means the Middle East is a super popular place that lots and lots of people want to visit right now. And also, many many people living in the Middle East want to fly somewhere else too.
African Airplanes Getting Full Too
For aeroplanes going to Africa, there were 8 extra passengers for every 100 seats compared to last year. This is great news! It means more people in Africa can afford to buy aeroplane tickets nowadays. And more tourists are coming to visit Africa.
People Everywhere Want to Ride Airplanes
It’s not just the Middle East and Africa where aeroplanes are getting super full of passengers. All around the world, more people are taking flights compared to last year. But some places had more empty seats left over than others.
Asia Has the Most New Air Travelers
Airlines that fly to Asia had the biggest jump in passengers – a massive 38 extra people for every 100 seats compared to last year! Flights heading to Asia are extremely popular these days. However, there are still not as many flights from China going to North America as before the pandemic.
More Passengers in Europe and North America Too
In Europe and North America, there were also more passengers than last year, but not as many extra ones as in Asia. Some aeroplane seats were still empty in these regions.
Latin Americans Want to Fly Again After Pandemic
For airlines in Latin America, there were 19 extra passengers for every 100 seats. This shows that after the pandemic, way more people in Latin America want to travel by aeroplane again now.
Data of Passengers
Middle Eastern Airlines Passenger Demand
- Middle Eastern airlines saw a big 10.8% increase in the number of passengers compared to the same time last year.
African Airlines Passenger Demand
- African airlines also had a large 8.1% increase in the number of passengers compared to last year.
Global Regional Demand Compared to Last Year
- Asia-Pacific region had the highest increase of 38.5% more passengers
- European airlines had 11.6% more passengers
- North American airlines had 14.5% more passengers
- Latin American airlines had 19.7% more passengers
Load Factors (How Full Planes Were)
- Asia-Pacific had the highest load factor of 85.6% of seats filled
- Europe and North America had similar load factors around 79-84%
- Middle East and Africa had lower load factors of 77.5% and 70.3% respectively, meaning more empty seats