
Turkey wants Bashagha and not Serraj at the negotiating table for Libya, the sultan power on the puppet government

The recent Libyan dialogue meetings in Montreux in Switzerland, Bouznika in Morocco, and the delegations in Cairo give hope that a ceasefire will be reached

Middle East

Eastren Libyan Government Resigns.

Monday, 14 sept 2020, the Libya’s Tobruk based government submitted his resignation to the speaker of the parliament. Prime Minister Abdallah al-Thani has submitted his


UN warns Italy and the EU to stop complicity with traffickers in Libya

For almost two years, the United Nations had not updated its official position on Libya as an “unsafe” country for the landing of migrants and


Life is more than unbearable in Libya

The situation in Libya is becoming every day more unsustainable for the population. The west of the country is still under the control of armed

Libya National Army

Despite calls for a ceasefire, in Libya a military escalation is expected

Despite calls from the international community to reach a ceasefire in Libya and the return of the parties to the dialogue table, the movements on the ground in recent weeks…

Libyans celebrate the liberation from the Qaddafi regime in the streets of Tripoli

The situation in Libya continues to divide the UN Security Council

On Wednesday, the United Nations Security Council reunited to discuss the situation in Libya. The permanent representative of the North-African country to the UN….

Emmanuel Macron & Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
News Politics

Escalation between France and Turkey in Libya

The dispute between Turkey and France in Libya continues. In an escalation, the two countries have exchanged accusations in recent months….

The Head of UN flag
News Opinion

Thousands of Tunisians March and Object to President Saied’s ‘Power Grab

The Head of UN Support Mission in Libya, Stephanie Williams, condemned on Tuesday the airstrikes conducted by Turkish drones in Western cities of Libya in

National Flag of Turkey
Middle East News

Turkey is recruiting Syrian children to fight in Libya

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has revealed details of Turkey’s recruitment of Syrian children to send them to fight in Libya alongside forces affiliated to the Tripoli-based Government…

Tripoli Libya, hoping for peace fearing war
Middle East News

Turkey threatens the Libyan army because it undermines its interests in Libya

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said, on Sunday, that it will consider Libyan National Army (LNA) forces led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar as legitimate targets