Turkey, Fahrettin Koca, Fahrettin Altun, Ankara, Saudi Arabia, Coronavirus, Pilgrims,
News World

Turkey quarantines thousands of pilgrims coming back from Saudi due to coronavirus outbreak

On Sunday, Turkey isolated thousands of pilgrims coming back from Saudi Arabia, authorities stated, in the wake of recording one more coronavirus case increasing the

News World

Despite frequent US warnings, Turkey initiates Russian made S-400 rocket system

Despite frequent warnings from the US, Turkey has supposedly chosen to activate its Russian-made S-400 surface-to-air missile system in April. The United States says if

Despite frequent warnings from the US, Turkey has supposedly chosen to activate its Russian-made S-400 surface-to-air missile system in April.
News World

US will impose sanctions against Turkey if it does not abandon the S-400

The United States is ready to impose sanctions on Turkey “in the not so distant future” if it does not abandon the Russian S-400 anti-aircraft

Turkey , Cronaviru , Covid19 Erdogan
News World

There is no freedom of speech in Turkey

The United States has criticized Turkish authorities for their allegations against 16 representatives of civil society, global media and business related to anti-government demonstrations in

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar announced that an agreement had been reached with the Russian delegation on the details of the Idlib
Middle East News

Turkey: We will continue our offensive in Idlib if the ceasefire is violated.

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar announced that an agreement had been reached with the Russian delegation on the details of the Idlib ceasefires’ agreement. “Turkish

Turkey , Cronaviru , Covid19 Erdogan
Middle East News

Erdogan tempted by Syrian “black gold” … Ambitions “exposed”.

The recent statements of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan exposed his true intentions, the size of Turkish ambitions, and the motives behind the military intervention

Turkey , Cronaviru , Covid19 Erdogan
Middle East News World

Erdogan: Turkey does not intend to annex parts of Syrian territory.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on Greece to “open doors” for immigrants who crowd the borders of the two countries after Ankara opened their

The politician also criticized the actions of the Greek authorities in relation to refugees trying to enter the territory of this country from Turkey. “Any disproportionate use
News World

Headline Erdogan discusses migration agreement with EU leaders

The EU and Turkey on March 9 discussed ways to address the shortcomings of the migration agreement between Brussels and Ankara on March 18, 2016.

Turkey , Cronaviru , Covid19 Erdogan
Middle East News World

The cease-fire in Idlib, Erdogan lost.

The French newspaper Le Monde described the agreement signed between Moscow and Ankara on Idlib, Syria, as “weak”, stressing that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Ankara recently tried to knock on the gates of NATO, in light of the military escalation in Idlib governorate
Middle East News World

Turkey not gettig NATO’s military support in Syria, Reasons and explanations.

Ankara recently tried to knock on the gates of NATO, in light of the military escalation in Idlib governorate, northwestern Syria, but military experts exclude