
No one can insult Erdogan, not in Turkey

Of late Turkey has made frequent headlines with respect to its stamping down on freedom to speech and expression. Many journalists, activities and political leaders

Middle East

Turkey says will not revert from the purchase of the Russian S-400s missile despite US sanctions

On Thursday, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stated Turkey won’t revert from its purchase of the Russian S-400s missile defense system and will take reciprocal measures


Washington sanctions Turkey…too late

The United States has switched to de facto ways towards Turkey. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced sanctions against the Ankara government agency that

Middle East

Iran’s Javad Zarif: ‘U.S. sanctions on Turkey are contempt of International Law’

On Tuesday, Iran’s foreign minister Javad Zarif denounced the forced sanctions on neighboring Turkey by the United States government over its purchase of Russia’s S-400


Iran, Turkey at loggerheads over Erdogan’s poem in Azerbaijan

Iran and Turkey have a long history of conflict. Despite the fact that the two countries have been cooperating on many issues, new conflicts are

Middle East

Turkey confirms Kidnapping of former ASMLA leader Habib Chaab

Former ASMLA leader Habib Chaab has been abducted by Turkish intelligence in Istanbul, where he was illegally smuggled to Iran. Habib was captured by Iranian


Turkish regime seeks to isolate Israel through ‘reconciliation’

Israeli-Turkish relations have become increasingly volatile, sometimes reaching complex level. Their differences change as tensions in the Middle East become more acute. Turkey has downgraded


Fresh sanctions from US and EU leave Turkey in a tight spot

Reuters reported on Friday that US administration was likely to impose fresh sanctions on Turkey for purchase of Russian S-400 air defense systems last year.


Erdogan will focus on reforming the Domestic Policy after Biden’s election

Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has long ruled Turkey.For some time, it has emerged that Erdogan’s dictatorship and political intransigence have led to


The Libyan army is officially at war with Turkey

The Libyan National Army (LNA) general command spokesman Ahmed Al-Mismari said on Tuesday that his forces are “at war with Turkey, and it is a